First off, fluff. This interest meme going around is definitely one of the better ones. It’s interesting that “cats” are universal, where “dogs” are merely popular.

How common are jenbooks’s interests

books (187437)
cats (130226)
chocolate (102771)
computers (266008)
dvds (108999)
food (133234)
harry potter (126790)
movies (538818)
music (821354)
photography (231191)
rain (113334)
reading (352824)
sleeping (187278)
swimming (169674)
cooking (80297)
dogs (76757)
driving (72804)
fantasy (63566)
guitars (54463)
life (54334)
mp3s (65067)
philosophy (70050)
politics (54668)
sarcasm (51291)
sleep (74482)
80’s music (19428)
bob dylan (20457)
chinese food (31451)
computer games (19318)
daydreaming (19290)
erotica (17571)
freedom (20051)
guns (16201)
humor (22577)
ireland (24736)
kingdom hearts (10353)
kittens (27512)
learning (27084)
livejournal (23313)
monty python (40846)
puppies (24387)
rainy days (11355)
sci-fi (24995)
science fiction (32183)
scotland (13199)
smallville (12739)
snakes (10800)
snuggling (11140)
star trek (19969)
star wars (42702)
stuffed animals (12106)
sunsets (36623)
thunderstorms (30558)
web design (31285)
words (14961)

austin (4062)
bagpipes (2604)
bookstores (5822)
buttons (6608)
conspiracy theories (2900)
cryptography (1475)
curves (2072)
cynicism (6490)
fitness (7154)
free speech (2723)
gadgets (3809)
get fuzzy (4459)
heinlein (1021)
independence (5341)
irony (7397)
libertarian (1099)
libertarianism (2448)
liberty (1838)
lizards (3500)
losing weight (3335)
my husband (2258)
objectivism (1526)
orwell (1117)
recipes (2361)
red hair (5484)
renaissance faires (2536)
robert heinlein (1528)
robert jordan (3206)
satire (6511)
security (1908)
skepticism (1499)
sunny days (5240)
the princess bride (9999)
the prisoner (1077)
venting (1763)
weight loss (4842)
weight watchers (1627)
wheel of time (2819)
9 chickweed lane (63)
anti-censorship (764)
art bell (754)
australian cattle dogs (79)
australian shepherds (210)
bill of rights (297)
blue heelers (102)
bookcrossing (506)
celtic culture (554)
childfree (871)
computer security (564)
crf (16)
cynical optimism (24)
first amendment (366)
fourth amendment (15)
frazz (73)
girl gamers (140)
girlgeeks (11)
good porn (99)
la femme nikita (795)
ogg (196)
ogg vorbis (251)
palm pilots (368)
ratchet & clank (59)
second amendment (111)
self defense (416)
siamese (270)
snopes (143)
solange (38)
the constitution (316)
the rogues (46)
usenet (514)
vhemt (108)
constitutionalist (5)
contrarian (4)
furl (4)
my husband’s cooking (3)
ninth amendment (3)
scottish rogues (8)

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